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Dance Church™ is an all-abilities movement class that offers a fun and inclusive approach to dancing. Designed for people of all shapes and sizes, backgrounds and identities, Dance Church is a communal space for people who want to move their bodies. The teacher leads this 90-minute class in a series of movement cues, accompanied by a curated playlist of multi-genre pop music. The format is open but guided throughout.

Dance Church™ was created by Kate Wallich in 2010. Classes are hosted regularly in Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and New York, and have popped up in cities worldwide.

All levels, abilities, body types, identities and genders. No previous training is required, but open-mindedness is a prerequisite. Wear clothes you can sweat in. Most people go barefoot or wear socks. Get lost dancing and sweat (a lot) together—it’s the dance party you wish you had last night.

Find more information here.

Want to learn more?

Dance Magazine article

Article in the Stranger

Article in the Evergrey

Blog post from What’s Up NW