Jack Dog Welch's Interview with Herm Atkins

“For forty years, Herm Atkins has held the distinction of being the fastest native-born black American at the marathon distance. 2:11:52.

But that’s not why he is an Original Gangster. We were at Bloomsday, visiting our friend OG Don Kardong. The field was scary loaded. I asked Herm how he felt he’d do. Have to paraphrase ’cause I am old now, but he said something like – without hesitation – well, Jack, I’m gonna win.

Must admit I expressed surprise. Say what you will, but I was something of an astute observer of the sport. After all, these guys had been beating me like a two-assed mule for years. Have you seen the entry list? I asked him.

He didn’t miss a beat. “If you don’t think you are good enough to win, why bother showing up?”

Herm Atkins always showed up. And I always admired that about him.”

Read Welch’s full article at https://www.jackdogwelch.com/?p=21042